Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Everday Mannequin

 a dummy used to display clothes in a shop window.

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Writer's Block

The following slam is not written by me.
 It's just something I find myself going back to when I cannot write or when I am not happy with my post.
 It helps.
It's written by Colleen Hoover in the book Slammed. She's a kickass author. I love her.
So here it is :
Write poorly.
 Write awful 

Don’t care 
Turn off the inner editor
 Let yourself write
 Let it flow
 Let yourself fail

Do something crazy

Write fifty thousand words in the month 
of November.
I did it.
It was fun, it was insane it was one 
thousand six hundred and sixty seven words a
It was possible.

But, you have to turn off your inner critic.

Off completely. 
Just write. 
In Bursts.

With joy. 
If you can’t write, run away for a few. 
Come back. 
Write again.

Writing is like anything else. 
You won’t get good at it immediately.
It’s a craft you have to keep getting better.
 You don’t get to Julliard, unless you
If you want to get to Carnegie Hall,
 practice, practice, practice
. …or give them a lot of money.

Like anything else it takes ten thousand
 hours to get to mastery.
 Just like Malcolm Gladwell says.

So write.
 Get your thoughts down.
 Let it rest. 
Let it marinate. 
Then edit.

But don’t edit as you type,
 that just slows the brain down.
Find a daily practice,
 for me it’s blogging every day. 
And it’s fun.

The more you write, the easier it gets.
 The more it is a flow, the less a worry. 
It’s not for school, it’s not for a grade
it’s just to get your thoughts out there.

You know they want to come out.

So keep at it. 

Make it a practice. And write poorly, 
write awfully, write with abandon
 and it may end up being

I have this awesome time imagining the things I would love to write about once I get a hand on my Laptop. But as soon as I touch the keyboards nothing comes into my mind. It's just a blank screen I stare at. When the days are good, I stare at the two lines I've written and be happy with it.
Sometimes I write an entire  post, only to delete it later because I am so not satisfied with it.
But this slam above helps alot. Tells me it's okay. But more importantly, it tells me to write.
Because I guess the only solution to Writer's Block is Writing itself.

Check out  Colleen Hoover here :